申請國外學校的SOP 跟中文的自傳寫法截然不同, 基本上來說, SOP的重點是要說服學校為何你是一個好的候選人, 為什麼學校應該要錄取你, 你和其他人不同的地方在哪。 就算你是跨科系申請, 最好也要說出自己之前有什麼跟你現在要申請的科系相關的經歷(學術&工作)
闡述自己的學術 & 社團 & 義工 &工作經歷
說明自己過去的學術經歷, 念過的學校跟科系, 如果在校有做過任何相關的研究, 也可以大方地說出來。在學時的社團活動, 課外活動以及畢業後的工作經歷也可以在SOP裡面闡述。不需要依照時間順序來寫這些經歷, 而是要說你從這些經歷裡學習到什麼, 這些知識和經歷如何影響你等等。.
很多學生都是用模板下去寫SOP, 又或者是同樣的文章會拿來申請好幾間學校, 太過於籠統的文字會無法吸引學校審查人的目光, 因此建議學生對於自己要申請的學校及科系課程內容要有一定程度的了解, 要在SOP中展現你覺得學校特別的地方,以及他們的教學內容如何符合你未來的職涯發展等。
未來的職涯規劃(短期, 中長期)
要記得在SOP勾勒出你畢業後的職涯規劃, 包括是否留在當地就業, 之後想進入什麼性質的公司及擔任怎樣的職位等。這些資訊有助於學校了解申請人對於自身未來的規劃, 以及申請人未來職業是否真的和目前申請的科系有相關聯。
以下為我們替其中一名想要申請King's College Marketing
碩士課程的學生修改過的SOP 部分內容範例:
I’m writing to say how eager I am to enroll in King’s College’s marketing master’s program. I have a history in the trading industry and a family-owned business, and I have a passion for the marketing industry. I want to further my education so that I can better serve my clients and realize my long-term career aspirations of being the marketing director of a top-tier marketing firm.
I was exposed to the difficulties and opportunities that come with managing a successful business as a result of coming from a family that values business.
I have worked with many clients throughout the years in a variety of businesses and nations. From this experience, it has become more and more clear that marketing involves more than just advertising goods and services, but also about getting an insight into consumer behavior, cultivating a renowned brand identity, and outshining the competition. I have also learned the importance of understanding consumer behavior, market trends, and marketing strategies in order to make informed decisions and achieve desired outcomes.
I am eager to delve deeper into the complexities of marketing, and I believe that a Master’s degree in Marketing from King’s College will equip me with the knowledge and skills to do so. I am particularly drawn to the program for its focus on traditional and digital marketing techniques and its emphasis on hands-on learning and real-world applications. The opportunity to study under world-renowned faculty and collaborate with diverse peers will also be invaluable in expanding my perspective and network.